Whether you’re a business or an individual, you likely have sensitive paperwork. Vital records such as passports, bank statements, credit card bills and other documents, in the wrong hands, can make anyone vulnerable to identify theft. Businesses often want to know their options for secure document destruction when it comes to employee records and client contact lists that contain sensitive information. Here, we will review the benefits of professional shredding services.
Stop Criminals
Criminals have been known to dig through trash to find your personal information. When you turn your documents over to a shredding service, it becomes impossible for criminals to reconstruct the information they contain.
Peace of Mind
Company owners and managers have enough to worry about without having to keep up with every potentially sensitive piece of paper. Shredding lets you know your information is immediately destroyed.
The longer documents pile up, the more likely they are to lead to a security breach. When you work with a professional shredding service, you can schedule regular secure document destruction instead of allowing paper to collect in bags and boxes. Piles of paper increase your fire risk and can present a safety hazard if allowed to accumulate. Regular shredding keeps your office clean and your information safe.
Some documents are required by law to be disposed of securely. Crosscut shredding provides the mandated level of security.
Build Customer Trust
When a client entrusts you with credit card numbers, bank account information and other sensitive data, they expect you to keep it safe. Professional shredding ensures your clients that you take their security seriously.
PCI Security Compliance
Companies that process, store, or transmit credit card data are required by the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCIDSS) to maintain a secure environment. Our shredding service uses PCI compliant crosscut shredders.
Eliminate the Need for In-House Shredding
Many office shredders only handle a low volume of paper. If you decide to handle your own document destruction, you’ll have to delegate the responsibility, allocate resources and continually dispose of waste. Industrial grade shredders are more effective, but they are also more expensive.
Protect your reputation, your identity and your customers with secure document destruction. Make security simple when you contact Armstrong Archives today.

Posted By: Sherri Taylor – President/Managing Partner
Sherri Taylor is the Managing Partner and President of Armstrong Archives, one of the largest independent records and information management companies in the Dallas/Ft Worth area.