As a database grows bigger, it takes increasingly more time to find the right record. This is true for digital files as well as physical files stored with an off-site storage facility.
Records indexing, the process of organizing business records, help to solve this problem so that finding individual records becomes quick and painless.

Great record keeping brings about all manner of challenges. The greater the number of documents, the more complex the indexing process. But like all things related to your business, the indexing process can be optimized through a computer system and with an off-site storage service like Armstrong Archives. We index and track critical documents vital to your business, and when you need them, we will scan the document and deliver it via email, courier, or fax.

We take the hassle off your plate, thereby saving you time and money.

What is Records Indexing?

Records indexing is the act of classifying crucial documentation your business, its employees, and customers require. During the indexing process, Armstrong Archives will classify and tag each document using “search” terms to help ease the navigation process later on down the line.

When the time comes to pull a document, we use these search terms to find every piece of vital information that you require. And when you need your documents fast, every second spent searching can put you behind. The indexing process cuts down on search times and puts the appropriate documents in your hands when you need them most.

Overall, the indexing process can appear time-consuming to the layman. That is why you typically want to hire a third-party indexer to handle the organization. It’s an invaluable tool and service to have at your business’ disposal.

Examples of Indexing in Records Management to Locate Records in Seconds

Have you ever wondered how businesses effortlessly sift through mountains of files to find the one document they need? The answer lies in the power of indexing. By employing examples of indexing methods, these companies ensure that every piece of information is just a few clicks away. Let’s explore some real-world examples that highlight the efficiency and necessity of records indexing:

  1. Customer Files: Businesses with numerous clients can use indexing based on client names or unique client codes. This enables rapid retrieval of any client’s complete history, purchase records, or communication logs.
  2. Employee Records: With a methodical employee ID or surname-based indexing system, HR departments can swiftly access performance reviews, employment history, and other pertinent documents of any staff member.
  3. Financial Documents: For those handling daily multiple transactions, indexing by transaction date, type, or transaction ID can revolutionize the financial reconciliation or audit processes.
  4. Contract Agreements: In sectors like real estate, which manage hundreds of properties, contracts can be indexed by property ID or location to ensure quick access.
  5. Project Files: By indexing based on project name, client, or date, companies juggling various projects can instantly access any project-related information.
  6. Medical Records: For healthcare institutions, precise indexing is crucial. Medical professionals can immediately access patient histories or treatment plans by categorizing patient records by patient ID, visit date, or type of ailment. A robust indexing system can be a game-changer, especially when dealing with ways to store vast amounts of sensitive health data and medical records.

When you actively incorporate these indexing examples into your records management, you’re setting your business up for success. Accessing documents in seconds allows for increased efficiency, superior customer service, and a competitive edge.

Records Indexing Saves Time, Money, and Frustration

The obvious advantage of using a record storage solution that uses records indexing is that finding files and documents is a lot faster and easier as mentioned earlier. However, this is not the only benefit of records indexing. There are also a few other benefits that include:

  • Update Easier: Whenever new files or records are created, they can be easily added to the index. This makes it easy to keep your documents up-to-date at all times. This is true for both digital and non-digital documents.
  • Maintain Uniqueness: Indexing is the best tool to maintain uniqueness of records in a database. Each time a new record is added, it is done in a way to make sure there are no duplicates. Having unique records dramatically improves search time.
  • Easier Categorization: Records indexing makes it easier to group documents by categories. Grouping documents into two or more categories improves search time and makes life easier for everyone.

Embrace the Power of Indexing for Streamlined Record-Keeping

When you need to find a file or document that is store at Armstrong Archives, rest assured that you will be able to find it, thanks to our file indexing system.

Always look for a records management company that uses records indexing. Armstrong Archives offers records indexing and other helpful services as part of our records management services. Armstrong Archives proudly offers cost-effective document management solutions, professional off-site records storage solutions, and other high-quality customized services.

For off-site storage efforts and top-of-the-line records indexing, contact Armstrong Archives for business solutions that work!

Sherri Taylor

Posted By: Sherri Taylor – President/Managing Partner

Sherri Taylor is the Managing Partner and President of Armstrong Archives, one of the largest independent records and information management companies in the Dallas/Ft Worth area.

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